State Data
Confidence in data for this state:
2018 data unless noted.
Terms used on this website and in data sets are defined & discussed here.
Bulk Class AB biosolids land applied on north Texas ranchland NEBRA photo
State Statistics Dashboard
State Summary
● Texas is a huge state with large ranches and farms, multiple major cities, thousands of WRRFs that range from very large to very small, where both biosolids land application and landfilling are common.
● TCEQ developed a unique “Class AB” biosolids designation for Class A products that, when land applied in bulk, must be managed in accordance with certain Class B site restrictions, intended to reduce odor and other nuisance impacts and public upset.
● Texas is home to some nationally-renown biosolids recycling programs, including composting in Austin and San Antonio, energy recovery from outside wastes at Waco, Class AB land application from Fort Worth and Trinity River Authority(TRA)/Arlington, pelletized fertilizer from Houston and Waco, and a major anaerobic digestion and thermal hydrolysis and energy system to be running at TRA in the early 2020s.
Waco rotary drum dryer makes Class A biosolids fertilizer.
Waco land application results.
Houston land application to ranchland.
NEBRA photos