State Data
Confidence in data for this state:
Data are from 2015, adjusted and assumed representative of 2018.
Terms used on this website and in data sets are defined & discussed here.
Loading out biosolids at Grasslands. Photo courtesy of Casella Organics.
Advanced alkaline stabilized biosolids at Grasslands. Photo courtesy of Casella Organics.
A landfill in New York. Photo courtesy of NY Office of State Comptroller.
State Statistics Dashboard
State Summary
● Most wastewater solids generated in New York go to landfill disposal in- and out-of-state – a trend that has been steadily growing for decades. Landfilling is relatively hassle-free and not much more expensive than land application. Incineration still occurs in NY, but three SSIs closed around 2016, increasing reliance on landfill disposal.
● Outlets for wastewater solids are in high demand, especially with New York City’s sizable influence on regional flows of treated and untreated wastewater solids, and rising prices for solids management.
● Wastewater solids are strictly regulated by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NY DEC). Data presented here are from 2015, from a NY DEC report, but are adjusted and assumed to be representative of 2018.
● Notable beneficial reuse programs include anaerobic digestion (AD) and energy recovery at Gloversville-Johnstown; the Casella Organics Grasslands facility in northern NY, producing Class A biosolids through advanced alkaline stabilization; several long-running biosolids composting programs including at Rockland County (operated by WeCare Denali). Separate preparers including Denali Water, Synagro, Casella Organics, and others treat and manage solids from many NY WRRFs, including some in New York City.
Gloversville-Johnstown facility.
Touring the WeCare biosolids composting facility at Rockland County. Photo courtesy of WeCare Denali.