State Data
Confidence in data for this state:
2018 data unless noted.
Terms used on this website and in data sets are defined & discussed here.
Biosolids dry cake land application near Dubuque, IA. Photo courtesy of Nutri-Ject Systems, Inc.
State Statistics Dashboard
State Summary
● With abundant agriculture in eastern Colorado, not far from the Front Range population centers, Colorado has land applied 80% or more of its biosolids for decades, much of it on farmland owned by the public water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs) utilities that generate the biosolids.
● Colorado State University and the USGS have conducted leading research on biosolids land application, advancing understanding of their use for dryland wheat and other crops in the unique climate and soils of the state. Other research has included mine reclamation.
● Most CO biosolids are managed by WRRF staff, but much is also land applied by one major contractor that has operated land application programs since the early 1990s, including biosolids from New York City successfully for a while (but no longer).
● Colorado WRRFs have been pioneers in proactive wastewater solids management, including a notable land applier training and certification program, production of biogas and renewable natural gas (RNG), participation in the National Biosolids Partnership’s Biosolids Management Program, and funding of the state’s biosolids regulatory program through a fee paid by WRRFs for each ton of biosolids they apply to soils.
Land application. Photo courtesy of Nutri-Ject Systems, Inc.